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Oath of a Thomasian Engineer


  • I am a Thomasian Engineer.  In my profession I take deep pride, but without vain and glory;  to it I owe a solemn obligation that I am eager to fulfill.


  • I dedicate myself to the development of my knowledge and skills for the betterment of my profession, safeguarding the legacy of my profession by the instruction of its younger members in all its principles and traditions.


  • I will participate in nothing but honest enterprise, serving with utmost performace and integrity.


  • I will perform my work in accordance to the laws of man and the highest standards of professional conduct.


  • Above all else, I will strive to uphold the mission of the University of Santo Tomas, committing myself, as a Thomasian Engineer, to the service of the Church, the nation and the global community.


So help me GOD.



Credits to:
Engr.  Exequiel Delgado (ECE '86) & Engr. Carmela Romero-Centeno (ChE '92)


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